For this group of people sensitivity surfaces in many domains of life. They are attuned to subtleties of all kinds, have a complex inner life and need more time to process the constant flow of sensory data that is their inheritance.

In our sensory rich and technologically advancing world, HSPs can suffer from sensory overload and exhaust easily. In a society where hyper-productivity and multi-tasking are valued, it can be hard to keep up with the emotional and physical demands of our busy schedules. In a culture that rewards extraversion and confidence, people who identify as sensitive and introverted are commonly misunderstood.

Highly Sensitive People experience the world and others more deeply, which can lead to strong emotional reactions, over arousal, low self esteem and challenges at work and in relationships.

Some HSPs need greater support and space for processing the emotional turbulence that can oftentimes impact their lived experience, as well as a nurturing relationship in which they feel understood and have the chance for meaningful connection and growth.

I specialize in working with highly sensitive people, and have dedicated myself to understanding the phenomenon of sensitivity in the context of the stresses and pressures of modern life.

  • Bartz, A. (2011, July 5). Sense and Sensitivity — Psychology Today
  • Aron, E. (2010). Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person — New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.